Friday, August 7, 2009


Finally did the weed spraying today. Ridding the garden of oxalis is an ongoing job, but just keeping on top of it is something. It is a beautiful day here and a great chance to get a fair bit done. Roses were pruned last week as well as a good cut back of some of the shrubs. It will also be interesting to see how soon the tomato seeds pop up now that they have been sown. All in a large tub under shelter so they should harden up and be ready for planting out in a month or two.

As always, Corban ambles along behind me sniffing this and that. However, he is looking quite old and the walks are slowing down somewhat, particularly as we make our way back home. This doesn't stop us calling him Puppy and in some ways I think he behaves accordingly, he is a lovely boy. Harrison made the mistake of trying to share his bone recently and quickly found there were no seconds. Quite funny to see Corban one up for a change, the cat soon put in his place. Harrison has been enjoying rump steak lately as it has been on special at the supermarket. Heated up in the microwave and down in a flash!

The other thing I got on to last week after reviewing my budget and seeing a shortfall, was the need to put an end to the wheelie bins. After checking alternatives online, I discovered a 44 gallon drum plus complimentary bag for recyclables emptied on a casual basis and only twelve dollars per collection. This and a decent pile of firewood left over means there's no need to reorder for next winter.

Here is a really delicious recipe to whip up once the tomatoes are ripe and perhaps you will make it also. Let me know how it goes...


Caramelise tomatoes to enrich the flavour:

Preheat oven to 200c degrees. Strain chopped canned tomatoes and reserve the juice. Spread tomatoes onto
a baking sheet, add salt and pepper, drizzle about 1/4 cup olive oil and roast for 15 minutes or so.

small can chopped Tomatoes
3/4 cup olive oil
1 stalk celery )
1 small carrot ) diced
1 small onion )
1 clove minced garlic
1 cup chicken broth
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup cream

Heat remaining olive oil in saucepan, add celery, carrot, onion and garlic and cook for a few minutes until soft.

Add roasted chopped tomatoes, reserved tomato juice, chicken broth and butter. Simmer gently for about 20 minutes or so until cooked. Puree soup in blender, return to saucepan and add cream.

Delicious served with croutons and garnished with chopped chives...