Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hello—it's me......................

Well, what a performance figuring out the uploading problems. A message came up as I tried uploading to Facebook advising the pop up blocker was causing it. Anyway, it's sorted at last and here's what Tweets has to say,  above the sound of Craig mowing the lawn..............

"Hello, it's me—Tweets.".... "Baby's a dear wee" .... "It's me, Tweets speaking."
He often says, "I'm a dear wee boy" .......... 'You're a good little bird'....... 'Mummy's little baby'. In the past he would say, 'My name is Tweety-bird de Lacey and I love you so much.' But a close call with a couple of cats a few months ago shortened his repertoire somewhat. Close to nine and a great source of amusement.

The upload took 90 minutes which seems a long time. Perhaps I need to find out why, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy this clip.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just how many lives can a cat lose.....?

I reckon its got to be at least one after the fright this morning. Boy, it's enough to set any cat's teeth on edge — and I'm no exception, I can tell you that much...........

Anyway, from my perspective it's a pain in the backside when a storm like this suddenly strikes:  scaring the daylights out of any cat — me in particular. The day started off well enough until this happened and at the time I was underfoot in the kitchen and waiting patiently as usual. Soon enough, there was the distant rumbling of thunder, then a large clap right overhead. It actually takes a bit to put me off my food, especially chicken, but this sure did and I scampered off to find Craig. He was sitting unfazed in his favourite chair, leafing through the paper and placing his cuppa at his feet.  A quick leap up and I felt safe.

Thunder, lightening and hail pelting down on the roof. Isn't spring a week or two away? And on that subject there's plenty of planning going on about what to put here and grow there. Seems we're going to be getting a comfrey plant which will bed down nicely in a large tub. Apparently, left to its own devices it would take over the whole place — or is that an exaggeration?  Well, even the best made plans sometimes go awry. After paying the $30.00 membership fee, in order to purchase the plant online, it could not be placed as, 'you know who' forgot her user name:  and all in the space of about fifteen minutes........  (Comfrey fertiliser is the panacea of many garden woes. Place the leaves in a covered container, add water and leave to rot down. Sprayed or poured around vegetables in particular and the results are well worth the odour apparently.)

Well, the log in hiccup is just one problem;  the other being the problem of some stubborn mule lurking in the innards of that lofty tower, gripping selfishly at any video uploads and leaving the user demented.  On this subject, many thanks to Teo for your advice on sorting it out. But — this is a mule we're dealing with here and I don't see much happening anytime soon.

Oh well, if you'll just excuse me for now, I'll have a quick cat nap to sleep off my dinner.......

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Change is the only constant.

But, why do we feel the need to resist it?  After all, it's just the way it is — isn't it............?

Anyway, most times, it's just easier to go with the flow and simply adapt, albeit grudgingly. But, it's a humbug all the same, an unnecessary annoyance, a blot on an otherwise splendid day.

So — what has got me steaming..........?  Well, it's my computer of course, that's the other humbug, the one I thought I had finally tamed. Anyway, just what does lurk in that stately tower?  Whatever it is, it's enough to test your self-control?


Well, time to take a deep breath, return the hammer to its rightful place, and try to think laterally. Is this simply where another change occurred? Perhaps some sort of improvement in the blogger department causing difficulties along the way.

Of course, this problem could have stemmed from my own fiddling around and deleting history comes to mind. Possibly it has something to do with the cookies.  Anyway, after tinkering further in Blogger Help, I see that FTP is no longer available.......

So, what is it anyway?  Do I have it, do I even care..........? 

Well, so much for change being the only constant, perhaps on this occasion, these changes were of my own making.

 Oh, blow it.......... I need a cuppa.