Sunday, April 26, 2009


The start of another week and I'm all fired up!  I've got this plan of attack you see. Thought it up in the middle of the night - so here we go....................  Watch this!

   "How are you going? Just dropped by to see how business is.................. Boy! I can tell you, it's all go out there!  Last time I called, you said reps were a pain in the backside - you're right there!  Some I run into really take the cake and most of the time -  I'm paying. Anyway, I won't take up your time, I know you're a busy man."

   "What was that you said?  Coffee? That would be nice, but I don't want to hold you up:  sure, business is a bit slack at the moment, and of course, ordering stock has to go on the back burner - for now.  I understand completely and would do the same.  After all, why stock up if you don't have a sale waiting? Makes no sense."

   "Yes, we could help with a few of those, but only if you're sure. How many did you say? If you change your mind about that extra one, just let me know, and I'll move it to another client."

   "No trouble at all!  And it's been a pleasure being of service to you:  thank you for giving me your time. Next trip?  Probably another four weeks, is that okay with you?"

Phew! And I thought he was just going to pick a bone with me.................

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