Miss Measles is quite put out now the new kittens have taken over her basket."I'll never curl up in there again I can tell you that much! Anyway, I prefer being up in this tree where I can see everything. Yeah! even caught that sneaky old cat from next door after my dinner again, but I soon sent him packing!"
"Who said this wasn't ours? Just because that other cat's name's on it doesn't mean we have to move. Anyway, we're not bothered either way!"
"Let me tell you Luke! I'm as mad as hops about those kittens! Just like a couple of cuckoos. If I could, I'd give the pair of them a good whack around the chops!"
"Chops? Did you say chops? As in juicy tender meat and crunchy bones? Come on then! There's no time like the present and we'll pack those two off smartly!"
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