This lovely sugar bowl has caused me a few moments lately I can tell you. The problem began several months ago when I found it broken in the china cabinet and wondered where I would find a replacement. My first reaction to dash out and buy a strong glue was not the answer and so the glue remains unopened in a drawer somewhere. Anyway, the bowl is part of my Paragon Victoriana Rose tea set which Karl bought for me years ago when he first started work.
Out of the blue, a few days ago I came across the same sugar bowl on eBay. After registering, then fumbling my way through the process of buy now, I struck a hitch! Paying for it! Something about a verification code which wasn't to be found anywhere, or could it move faster than the humbug? That's my computer by the way and it was doing its usual. In fact, if it went any slower it would be in reverse. Now, I'm not the most patient person, but pussy footing really brasses me off.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, someone from customer support directed me through to the final step. After pushing the key to pay, I heaved a sigh of relief and tore downstairs for a coffee before heading off to bed. By this time I think it was about 1.30am.
What is all the fuss about you may wonder? Well, has it actually gone through? There's no indication of it, so another email to the patient UK seller to bring him up to speed. Hopefully, by tomorrow this will be resolved and I can return to just swanning about. It is the second thing I have bought online, the first from Trademe sailed through .. perhaps I have lost my touch.
I digress... Jill rushed upstairs yesterday to say she had sold Teo's bike and to let me know in case I discovered it missing and assume it has been pinched. I guess the lesson here is... it's a heck of a lot easier to sell something face to face and know the deal is done.
Oh! perhaps I will feel differently when the humbug takes me on yet another leisurely stroll around the different sites. But when the last of my memory shuts everything down I wonder just how I'll figure my way out of that one!
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